Friday, January 30, 2009

My Assessment Of Calvary Santa Fe

I was asked by a brother what my assessment of our Church is

This is not an exhaustive list

1 Timothy 3:15 I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

Unity among the leadership – Everything we have done and are doing has always depended on the unity of the pastors as well as the deacons here at Calvary

We Are Dedicated To:
Expositional Teaching – Teaching that expounds what scripture says in a particular passage. Carefully explaining its meaning and how it applies to the church

Biblical Theology – Being committed to know the God of the Bible as He has revealed Himself in Scripture

Doctrine – Doctrine means “good teaching”. Doctrines are the non-negotiables of the Christian faith (i.e. The Trinity, The Resurrection, salvation by grace through faith alone)

Church Discipline - Each local church actually has a biblical responsibility to judge the life and teaching of its leaders, and even of its members, particularly insofar as either could compromise the church’s witness to the gospel

Discipleship – Small groups, new believers classes, home fellowship groups are helping our church grow in godliness, holiness, and humility

Apologetics – Giving a defense for the faith (1 Peter 3:15)

Children’s Ministry – We are dedicated to the spiritual growth of our children. Our curriculum goes through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation

The Congregation
Single mindedness – the congregation has always attended church to worship, hear the word (no matter who is teaching), and serve Jesus Christ

Unity – the church is unified in many areas. One being the call to godly, holy, humble lives

Passion for the Gospel – We hear testimonies of those who preach the gospel to themselves as well as to the lost in their families, coworkers, and friends

Compassion – I have been ill since June of 2006. Since then I have received so much encouragement from the congregation. Not only myself but to all who have presented a need

Evangelism – Many invite family members and friends to church to hear the Gospel. We have had many people come to Christ this last month as a result

Prayer – Our prayer chain is expanding every day. We have many who commit to prayer for all the prayer needs. In our men’s prayer on Tuesday mornings the men of the church pray for all the prayer requests we get during the week

Servanthood - We serve God for what He has done. Servanthood than is the result of making Jesus the Lord of our lives. There are many people who are responding to God's grace by serving the body at Calvary

Hospitality – People who attend our church for the first time have commented to me that our church is full of people who are genuinely concerned for their needs

Resiliency – In most cases, when a pastor gets ill the church seems to dwindle and puts tremendous pressure on the pastor to “get someone else”. Here at Calvary by God's grace our congregation has had the ability to adjust to the changes that have taken place

Patience – Although very difficult, our church is patiently waiting to see what God will accomplish in the trial set before us

Fellowship – There was a time when the services ended people headed for the door. Not so today, people can be seen hanging out an hour after service. Men’s ministry, women’s ministry, home fellowships, etc are constantly growing

Missions – Support for missions (financial as well as prayer and communication) has increased significantly

Para-church Ministries – Compassion international, operation Christmas child, angel tree, as well as others. has been very well supported in our church

Our Church is doing very well
Thank you Calvary Santa Fe

Pastor Paul

1 comment:

Calvary Santa Fe said...

I too am encouraged to see the church doing so very well by the grace of God.

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:32

Continue to pray for Pastor Paul and his family, Pray for God's grace to prevail in their lives daily in the form of constant reassurance through the gospel of His great and awesome love for them.

- Ken