In June of 2006 Wendy, Samuel, Cameron and myself were in Florida visiting my mom (Grace) and three brothers (Mark, Brian and Troy). After three years of taking over Calvary Santa Fe I was tired and stressed.
I took over the church June 29th 2003 after the pastor committed adultery nine months earlier destroying the church.
The pastor who took over was put through the mill (death threats, personal attacks) and had felt the calling away from the church.
The Friday before the first Sunday I taught at Calvary Santa Fe I received a phone call. The man on the other end of the phone said “if you teach this Sunday it will be your last… Watch your back”.
That was the beginning of three years of hardship and heartbreak.
At the same time Calvary Albuquerque had pastoral issues and I was on the board of directors. Stress, stress, stress!!!!
So, I was in Florida taking my first vacation in three years and started to get numbness on the right side of my face. I just shook it off and didn’t think much about it, until I got back to Santa Fe. The numbness came on throughout my whole body very strong and very painful, my vision also changed (light sensitivity) These persist even now.
For the last two years I have seen many doctors with no diagnosis. MRI’s, CT Scans, X-rays and a Spinal Tap has doctors baffled.
By God's grace I have been able to teach Wednesdays, and Sundays for the last two years.
On Sunday August 24th 2008 I was unable to continue half way through the first service.
I am now suffering from vertigo on top of all the other issues.
I am pursuing new doctors and new tests having a strong desire to get back in the pulpit.
My faith is strong in Jesus!!
I trust Him, love Him, adore Him, worship Him
He is good, He is great, Praise Him with me Brothers and Sisters
Please pray for myself and my family.
Please pray for our church.
The church is healthy and strong, healed and godly.
God has blessed Calvary Santa Fe.
Pray for Vic, Issac, Woody, and Ken who have stepped up big time. For Krista, Julianne and Chandalee who are so valuable to the ministry.
I praise God for all He has and will accomplish in our church.
That’s where you the congregation comes in.
Serve Jesus by serving one another, support the church prayerfully and financially.
Step up and live out what we have been taught about God's goodness in the midst of suffering.
Live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I am praying for you daily.
All For His Glory
Pastor Paul
Hey Pastor, its glorious to see what God has done through you and the other pastors, deacons and congregants over the last five years, despite vigorous opposition from the enemy. I know he hates what you have accomplished in the name of Christ. We hate to see you and your family suffering through this. We miss your teaching, and we look to your example as you glorify God even through your suffering. We know your in great pain both physically and emotionally yet we are also encouraged by your strength and faith in the Lord. May we show ourselves mature, patient and longsuffering as we wait on the Lord to heal you and restore you to the pulpit.
We'll continue to pray fervently for you Wendy and the boys the rest of the leadership and the church. Please be comforted and know that God's not done with you or Calvary Santa Fe. It's times like these when we're shown what are faith is made of.
Grace and Peace,
Paul & Wendy Herrera and family.
Paul... we were at Pena Blanca last night for fellowship and a prayer meeting. Your little campus church in Pena Blanca loves you!! Your health was a major focus of the prayer meeting. They miss you terribly... just like we do in Santa Fe. We hope it helps for you to know just how much the Lord has used you in so many lives. Leonard & Luci Maestas
You have been a great encouragement to me. I love you and am learning from you even as you are away from the pulpit. I'm now learning from your life! I'm seeing godliness, holiness, and humility lived out in your life. Praise God for the evidence of His grace in your life. I love you.
Hello Paul, this is Bryan Frei. I am writing to you from the day room on the 6th floor of the University Hospital. As you already know my wife's condition is very relatable to yours. In fact in the last couple of weeks it has worsened. Right now our son is in N.M. Life has been very hard. Much harder on my wife; physically, mentally and emotionally. Earlier, as she was dozing off to sleep from the medication which makes her so drowsy she said something. Something she probably had not said with such firm resolve in the last two years. She was OK with the "S" word (sovereignty). God in His Sovereignty has hand molded a trial for us to put us through the furnace of affliction. He prepared us for it, even so early on in a marriage. Sometimes I feel like I have not counted the cost enough or been the husband I need to be for her. But that doesn't matter now, I must press on for my wife, my son and for Him. Our church out here has been praying for you. As a matter of fact there is also a man named Dan Cummings who is a pastor out here in Auburn Hills who has his own share of afflictions. Not that it makes yours any lighter but I know God's grace is truly sufficient for you and my wife and Dan and Noah (our son). Now we just have to find out how we are going to raise our son in this cold, cruel, Christ-hating world. My wife and I will be praying for you and your wife and sons. Grace & peace bro.
love you, brother and continue to pray for you daily. God is glorified through you! i miss you and all my family at CSF.
katy lewis
Pastor Paul.
CSF was the tool that Jesus used to bring me to him. Between your convicting no holds barred teaching and Ken's eternal smile and kindness CSF was exactly what
I needed to open my heart to Jesus. I still have much
Growing ahead of me but I wanted to thank you for being
A part of my rebirth. It has been tough finding the right
Church here in las vegas. I use you as my ruler and you
Have set a high bar.
God bless you and keep you.
Ray Wolfe
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