Brothers and Sisters
I’m going to see a specialist in October
There is still no diagnosis, but God has a plan
Please seek Him with all you have and ask Him how this trail is going to change you into Christ's image
I miss you so much
I am studying everyday getting ready to come back to the pulpit
But more than that, I am growing in His grace, learning to trust Him with everything
Pastor Paul
Hey Pastor, I was reading in 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 & it made me think of you because of the compassion you have for people & the confidance you have in God.
Like Paul in Acts 28:1-6 on the island of Malta, when he was gathering sticks & got biten by the snake & what did he do? Paul shook off that snake! The same way you need to shake it off. That same snake who bites & trys to kill & discourage us, so that people can see the power & faithfulness of God in you & thru you, regardless what the out come is.
Love you, not only as my pastor, but my friend.
Jason A. Garcia
PS. shake off that snake & encourage others to do the same when they get bit.
Man you are so very painfully missed!
God is glorified in this time as the body loves you and loves each other Jon 13:34. The fruit of your leadership and guidance over your time at Calvary Santa Fe to this point is all being acted out and it is amazing to see. Seeing God move and being aware of it is an incredible experience.
Thank you for your study and teaching and your example and exhortation for the flock to study 2 Pet 2:2. Thank you for your leadership in trial. Thank you for your family and their poise in a difficult timeTts 1:6. Thank you for your obedience and discipline to stay true to Gods word Matt 5:19.
I look forward to your return; selfishly to your teaching and guidance 2 Pet 2:9.
Love you,
John Weathersby
I am praying for you my brother. The Lord bless you and keep you, your family and fellowship.
In Christ
JoJo Marquez
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