Monday, November 24, 2008


I would first and foremost thank Jesus Christ for His grace towards me the chief of sinners

I am so thankful for my wife and children for remaining faithful and full of love during this difficult time

I am so thankful to the staff and deacons at Calvary
Thank you for your faithfulness

I am so thankful to all of those who volunteer and serve our church
You are awesome, thank you

I am so thankful for the church body Christ has given me
You are faithful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
You are godly, holy and humble
You have supported the assistant pastors as they use their gifts to preach the word

In the midst of our trial I want to thank you Calvary Santa Fe

Please continue to pray for God's will for our church

Pastor Paul

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ministry Opportunities

I have been starving for an opportunity to minister lately

God has been faithful

I had an opportunity to minister to three correctional officers on Wednesday night

He also gave me the opportunity to minister to a homeless young man at Olive Garden tonight

Twenty eight years old and on the streets

I preached the gospel to him and he received Christ

To God be the glory!!!

Pray for Mark, that he finds a church when he gets back to California

Pastor Paul

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Going To Mayo???

Praise God!!!!! He by His grace has provided

My primary care Doc has given me a referral to the Mayo clinic

Now we need to pray that the insurance company approves it

If and when they do I then will make an appointment with the Mayo

Please pray that this will happen soon

Pastor Paul

Friday, November 7, 2008


I went to two neurologists over the last week they say I have Parkinson’s “like” symptoms
but it doesn't account for the “other” symptoms (Numbness, Vertigo, Pain)

I’ve been recommended to the Mayo clinic once again

I can’t tell you how challenging this trial is
Not being able to teach is the hardest part of this trial

It is my passion, my privilege, and my life

Thank you for standing with me Calvary Santa Fe!!!
Thank you for your resolve in this time of testing

My hope is that God will resolve this soon

Pastor Paul